Thursday, November 4, 2010


Hope everyone's Halloween was great!  Ours was very fun!  We went to Tooele to Trick or Treat with my sister, Gina's family.  Griffin was very excited when we got to the church for the truck or treat and as we got both of the kids costumes on he yelled, "Happy Costumes!!"  haha  Because of the rain the trunk or treat was moved indoors and Griffin got to run through the halls of the church collecting candy. 

By trick or treating time the rain had stopped and Griffin was very excited to go to all the houses to get more suckers!  The only thing that scared him were the dogs that came to the door which he would proceed to hit with his bucket of candy.  All in all, Halloween was a success and we now have way too much candy that will find itself in the trash :)  I'm trying to lose weight here everyone! Here are pictures of the kids costumes and Rock's masterpiece pumpkin for the year: 

Maelie's first pumpkin :)
Rock did an amazing job at Lightning McQueen! 

Yum!  Caramel Apples are a family favorite!

Getting ready to Trick or Treat with cousins, Connor and Jill!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Griffin's 3rd Birthday

Griffin is now officially 3, even though he has looked it for about 6 months now!  We had a big party in Colorado since we were there for Dylans baptism.  It was so fun to be able to be with all of our family and with everyone that loves Griffy! 

Festivities started out with a pinata of Lightning  Mcqueen, but I think he liked putting it on people's heads as a hat better than actually hitting it. 

His mountain of presents had a theme...Toy Story or Cars...his two obsessions.
Oh wait, candy is an obsession too.  Here is he excited about some suckers he got from Russell and Nat

Giving hugs to say Thank you!
What a good birthday!

Now I hardly see Griffin because he shuts himself in his room and acts out all the scenes from Toy Story with Woody.  Yesterday I could hear him saying "Its all because of my stupid hat!" and "Howdy, Howdy, Howdy" in his room.  For some reason 3 seems so much older than 2; he is such a big boy and I am sad but also happy to see him grow up. 
Maelie had a check up yesterday with the Dr.  She is now 17lbs and 25 inches long.  Yay, for growing taller!  She is in the 60th percentile for weight and only the 22nd for height.  Oh well, short people are happy too right?  Because I dont think she will be growing nearly as tall as her brother.  Here are some cute pictures that one of my friends took recently of her.  Most of you have probably already seen them actually, but they deserve a second look :) 

This is Maelie to the T!  She always has this expression on her face!

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Fall Already!

I really suck at this blog thing, considering I have only made one post since we started one.  Summer and time just got away from me but we did lots of fun things that I will update you on!

Our first fun trip of the summer was to the cabins in Southern Colorado with my family.  We stayed most of the week and had fun fishing, shopping and just hanging out with the fam. 

Griffin loved fishing for about 10 minutes and then just wanted to throw rocks in the river, which entertained him forever!

Our next trip was to Orlando and Disney World.  It was so fun and very chaotic with all the little kids.  Days consisted of an amusement park in the morning, naps in the afternoon and returning to the park in the evening to finish up rides and see fire works.  The kids did great but by midnight they were done and ready to sleep!  After that vacation we were all ready for an exclusively adult vacation! :)

Overall the trip was a success and Griffin loved every minute of it (we did too)!  We will have to take Maelie back someday to make up for all she put up with, poor baby!

 The rest of our summer was just spent at home hanging out with our good friends that moved to Texas in August. Griffin and Oliver were best buddies and Griffin still asks all the time if he can go to Texas to see him.

We rented a jet ski and spent the day at deer creek reservoir.  It was so fun and once again the boys were completely entertained by throwing rocks in the lake all day long. 

Now that school had started for both of us, life is not as leisurely but it is fun to start activities with Griffin and watch Maelie grow up.  Griffin started a little joy school that we do with one of his friends, Charlie.  Here he is painting which he asks to do now everyday!
Maelie's new trick is sitting up all my herself.  She is growing so fast and just turned 6 months old!!  She is not a big fan of baby food yet but we are working on it. 

So that is our life right now! We are so blessed! :) 

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Maelie's Blessing and Such

Welcome to our Blog!! Well, this comes a couple weeks late but we finally caught up with the times and made a blog for our family.  So here are somepictures of Maelie in her blessing dress and other happenings in May!

May has been a great month so far as we have been able to get into a routine with Maelie and spend time as a family adjusting to this new little one.  She is such a happy baby and never ceases to amaze us on how cute she can be! Griffin loves her equally as much and can be found saying to her, "Hello sweet girl," while getting right up in her face! He also always makes sure she has her binky right by her at all times.  Speaking of binkies, we took Griffin's away this month.  He has really taken it like champ.  Only a couple hard nights and he was over it! What a relief! He occasionally still asks where it is and has asked if he can use Maelie's but is actually really good about letting it go!  I'm so proud of him! 

 Griff has to get out and ride his bike every day!  He is very happy that it is turning warm because now Mom will actually let him go outside.  However, dont know what Daddy is going to entertain himself with outside now that the Bulgarian neighbors stole the basketball hoop!  No more one on ones - I guess we just have to chalk me up as the all time winner!  Sorry Rock! 

I think he thinks he will get more attention if he somehow disguises himself as Maelie! :)  

Thats all for now!  My mom comes into town this weekend so we should have more fun picutures to post!  We are thinking of taking Griffin to the Day with Thomas the Train in Heber Valley!